911. Quadratic equation


Solve the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0 (a ≠ 0).


Input. One line contains three integers – the coefficients of the quadratic equation a, b, and c. The absolute values of all coefficients do not exceed 100.


Output. Print on a single line:

·        “No roots” if the equation has no roots;

·        “One root:” followed by the root, separated by a space, if the equation has one root;

·        “Two roots:” followed by the smaller root and the larger root, separated by a space, if the equation has two roots.

It is guaranteed that if solutions exist, all roots are integers.


Sample input 1

Sample output 1

1 -5 6

Two roots: 2 3



Sample input 2

Sample output 2

1 2 10

No roots






Algorithm analysis

The task is to solve the quadratic equation using the formula


where d is the discriminant of the quadratic equation, equal to b2 – 4ac.


Depending on the sign of the discriminant, there are three possible cases:

·        d < 0: the equation has no roots;

·        d = 0: the equation has one root;

·        d > 0: the equation has two roots, which should be printed in ascending order.


Algorithm implementation

Since the coefficients of the equation and its roots (if they exist) are integers, all computations will be performed using integers. Read the input data.


scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);


Compute the discriminant of the quadratic equation.


d = b * b - 4 * a * c;


Depending on the sign of the discriminant, print the answer.


if (d < 0)

  printf("No roots\n");

else if (d == 0)


  x1 = -b / (2 * a);

  printf("One root: %d\n", x1);




  x1 = (-b - sqrt(1.0*d)) / (2 * a);

  x2 = (-b + sqrt(1.0*d)) / (2 * a);

  printf("Two roots: ");

  if (x1 < x2)

    printf("%d %d\n", x1, x2);


    printf("%d %d\n", x2, x1);



Java implementation


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  public static void main(String []args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);

    int a = con.nextInt();

    int b = con.nextInt();

    int c = con.nextInt();


    int d = b * b - 4 * a * c;

    double x1 = (-b - Math.sqrt(1.0 * d)) / (2 * a);

    double x2 = (-b + Math.sqrt(1.0 * d)) / (2 * a);


    if (d == 0)

      System.out.printf("One root: %.0f\n", x1);

    else if (d < 0)

      System.out.printf("No roots\n");

    else if (x1 < x2)

      System.out.printf("Two roots: %.0f %.0f\n", x1, x2);


      System.out.printf("Two roots: %.0f %.0f\n ", x2, x1);






Python implementation


import math


Since the coefficients of the equation and its roots (if they exist) are integers, all computations will be performed using integers. Read the input data.


a, b, c = map(int, input().split())


Compute the discriminant of the quadratic equation.


d = b * b - 4 * a * c


Depending on the sign of the discriminant, print the answer.


if d < 0:

  print("No roots")

elif d == 0:

  x1 = -b // (2 * a)

  print("One root:", x1)


  x1 = int((-b - math.sqrt(d)) // (2 * a))

  x2 = int((-b + math.sqrt(d)) // (2 * a))

  print("Two roots:", min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2))