10109. Tree Minimum depth


Given a binary tree, find its minimum depth. The minimum depth is the number of nodes along the shortest path from the root node down to the nearest leaf node.

Definition of a tree:



class TreeNode {

  int val;

  TreeNode left;

  TreeNode right;

  TreeNode(int x) {

    val = x;

    left = null;

    right = null;




// C++

class TreeNode



  int val;

  TreeNode *left;

  TreeNode *right;

  TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}



Implement function minDepth that returns the minimum depth of the tree.



// Java

int minDepth (TreeNode tree)


// C++

int minDepth(TreeNode *tree)



Function minDepth returns 2 because the shortest path from the root 5 to the nearest leaf 10 contains 2 nodes.




binary tree


Algorithm analysis

If tree = NULL, the minimum depth of the tree is 0.

If the tree does not have a left son, then the minimum depth of the tree equals to the minimum depth of the right subtree plus 1.

If the tree does not have a right son, then the minimum depth of the tree equals to the minimum depth of the left subtree plus 1.


Otherwise find the minimum depth of the left h1 and right h2 subtree and return the value of min(h1, h2) + 1.


Algorithm realization


int minDepth(TreeNode* tree)



If tree = NULL, the minimum depth of the tree is 0.


  if (tree == NULL) return 0;


If the tree does not have a left son, then the minimum depth of the tree equals to the minimum depth of the right subtree plus 1.


  if (tree->left == NULL)

     return minDepth(tree->right) + 1;


If the tree does not have a right son, then the minimum depth of the tree equals to the minimum depth of the left subtree plus 1.


  if (tree->right == NULL)

     return minDepth(tree->left) + 1;


Find the minimum depth of the left h1 and right h2 subtree. Return the value of min(h1, h2) + 1.


  int Left = minDepth(tree->left);

  int Right = minDepth(tree->right);

  return min(Left, Right) + 1;



Java realization


int minDepth(TreeNode tree)


  if (tree == null) return 0;

  if (tree.left == null)

    return minDepth(tree.right) + 1;

  if (tree.right == null)

    return minDepth(tree.left) + 1;


  int Left = minDepth(tree.left);

  int Right = minDepth(tree.right);

  return Math.min(Left, Right) + 1;
