10111. Tree Syum of left leaves


Given a binary tree. Find the sum of all its left leaves.

Definition of a tree:



class TreeNode {

  int val;

  TreeNode left;

  TreeNode right;

  TreeNode(int x) {

    val = x;

    left = null;

    right = null;




// C++

class TreeNode



  int val;

  TreeNode *left;

  TreeNode *right;

  TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}



Implement a function sumLeft that returns the sum of left leaves in the tree. If input tree hasn’t left leaves, return 0.


// Java

int sumLeft(TreeNode tree)


// C++

int sumLeft(TreeNode *tree)



Function sumLeft returns 14 = 5 + 9.




binary tree


Algorithm analysis

If tree = NULL, then the sum of the left leaves is 0.

If tree has a left son, and this son is a leaf (its left and right sons are NULL), then return the value of this leaf plus the sum of the left leaves in the subtree tree →right.


Otherwise return the sum of the left leaves in the left and right subtrees.


Algorithm realization


int sumLeft(TreeNode *tree)



If tree = NULL, then the sum of the left leaves is 0.


  if (tree == NULL) return 0;


If tree has a left son, and this son is a leaf (its left and right sons are NULL), then return the value of this leaf plus the sum of the left leaves in the subtree tree →right.


  if (tree->left != NULL && tree->left->left == NULL && tree->left->right == NULL)

    return tree->left->val + sumLeft(tree->right);


Otherwise return the sum of the left leaves in the left and right subtrees.


  return sumLeft(tree->left) + sumLeft(tree->right);



Java realization


int sumLeft(TreeNode tree)


  if (tree == null) return 0;

  if (tree.left != null && tree.left.left == null && tree.left.right == null)

    return tree.left.val + sumLeft(tree.right);

  return sumLeft(tree.left) + sumLeft(tree.right);
