10112. Tree Balanced


Given a binary tree. Determine if it is height-balanced. A height-balanced binary tree is defined as a binary tree in which the depth of the two subtrees of every node never differs by more than 1.

Definition of a tree:



class TreeNode {

  int val;

  TreeNode left;

  TreeNode right;

  TreeNode(int x) {

    val = x;

    left = null;

    right = null;




// C++

class TreeNode



  int val;

  TreeNode *left;

  TreeNode *right;

  TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}



Implement function isBalanced that returns true if tree is balanced and false otherwise.


// Java

int isBalanced(TreeNode tree)


// C++

int isBalanced(TreeNode *tree)



Function isBalanced returns true because tree is balanced.




binary tree


Algorithm analysis

Let Height be a function that returns the height of the tree (the number of vertices from the root to the farthest leaf). However, if the tree is not balanced, then function Height returns -1.


For each vertex root you should calculate:

·        the height of the left subtree Left;

·        the height of the right subtree Right;

If either Left or Right is -1, then the tree root is not balanced. The tree root will also be not balanced if | LeftRight | > 1.


The original tree root will be balanced if its height is not -1.


Algorithm realization


bool isBalanced(TreeNode* root)


  return (Height(root) != -1);



If tree root is not balanced, function Height returns -1.

If tree root is balanced, function Height returns the height of the tree (the number of vertices from the root to the farthest leaf).


int Height(TreeNode* root)



If root = NULL, the height of the tree is 0.


  if (root == NULL) return 0;


Find the height of the left Left and right Right subtree.


  int Left = Height(root->left);

  int Right = Height(root->right);


The tree is not balanced, if one of the following conditions is true:

·        left subtree is not balanced (Left = -1);

·        right subtree is not balanced (Right = -1);

·        the absolute value of difference of subtrees heights is greater than 1.


  if (Left == -1 || Right == -1 || abs(Left - Right) > 1) return -1;

  return max(Left, Right) + 1;



Java realization


boolean isBalanced(TreeNode tree)


  return (Height(tree) != -1);



int Height(TreeNode tree)


  if (tree == null) return 0;

  int Left = Height(tree.left);

  int Right = Height(tree.right);

  if (Left == -1 || Right == -1 || Math.abs(Left - Right) > 1)

      return -1;

  return Math.max(Left, Right) + 1;
