10684. Roads improvement


There are n cities in the country and n – 1 bidirectional roads, such that it is possible to travel from any city to any other city using only these roads. The cities are numbered with integers from 1 to n inclusive.

Initially, all roads are considered to be in bad condition, but the government plans to improve the state of some of them. The citizens will be satisfied with the improvements if there is no more than one bad road on the path from the capital, located in city 1, to any other city.

Determine the number of ways to improve the quality of some roads to meet this requirement. Since the answer can be very large, output it modulo 109 + 7.


Input. The first line contains a single integer n (2 ≤ n ≤ 2 * 105) – the number of cities in the country. The second line contains n – 1 positive integers p2, p3, p4, ..., pn (1 ≤ pii – 1), describing the roads in the country. The number pi indicates that there is a road connecting city pi and city i.


Output. Print the number of ways to improve the quality of the roads modulo 109 + 7.


Sample input 1

Sample output 1


1 1




Sample input 2

Sample output 2


1 2 2 1 5







Algorithm analysis

Let f(v) denote the number of ways to improve the quality of roads for the subtree rooted at vertex v. Let to represent a child of vertex v.

·        If the road (v, to) remains in bad condition, then all roads in the subtree rooted at vertex to must be improved.

·        If the road (v, to) is improved, then the number of ways to improve the roads for the subtree rooted at vertex to is equal to f(to).


Let to1, to2, …, tok be the children of v. Then

f(v) = (f(to1) + 1) * (f(to2) + 1) * … * (f(tok) + 1)


If v is a leaf (a vertex with no children), then let f(v) = 1.



Consider the examples provided in the problem statement. For each vertex v, we’ll record the value of f(v).


In the first example, there are 4 ways to improve the quality of roads such that on the path from city 1 to any other city, there is no more than one bad road. Bad roads are represented by dashed lines, while improved roads are represented by solid lines.


Algorithm implementation

All calculations are performed modulo MOD = 109 + 7.


#define MOD 1000000007


The dfs function computes the value of f(v) – the number of ways to improve the quality of roads for the subtree rooted at vertex v. The parent of v is vertex p.


long long dfs(int v, int p = -1)


  long long s = 1;


If to1, to2, …, tok are the children of v, then

f(v) = (f(to1) + 1) * (f(to2) + 1) * … * (f(tok) + 1)


  for (int to : g[v])

    if (to != p)


      long long sub = dfs(to, v);

      s = (s * (sub + 1)) % MOD;


  return s;



Read the input data. Construct a tree.


scanf("%d", &n);

g.resize(n + 1);

for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)


  scanf("%d", &p);





Compute and print the result.


res = dfs(1);

printf("%lld\n", res);