10814. Disjoint Sets Union 2


Implement disjoint sets union data structure. You have to perform queries of two types:

·        union u v – unite two sets that contain u and v, respectively;

·        get v – find the set to which v belongs to, find the minimal and the maximal element of the set, and the total number of elements in it.


Input. The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n, m ≤ 3 * 105) – the number of elements and the number of queries. Next m lines contain queries, one per line.

For a query union the line looks like union u v (1 ≤ uv ≤ n).

For a query get the line looks like get v (1 ≤ vn).


Output. For each operation get you should output the result on a separate line in the respected order. Each result should consist of three integers: the minimal element, the maximal element, and the number of elements in the set.


Sample input

Sample output

5 11

union 1 2

get 3

get 2

union 2 3

get 2

union 1 3

get 5

union 4 5

get 5

union 4 1

get 5

3 3 1

1 2 2

1 3 3

5 5 1

4 5 2

1 5 5




disjoint sets union


Algorithm analysis

Implement a disjoint sets union data structure with heuristics.

In the union operation make the recalculation of the minimum and maximum elements of a set, as well as the number of its elements.

Initially, we have n sets of one element, the i-th set contains only one number i. The minimum amin[i] and the maximum amax[i] in the i-th set are initially equal to i. The size of the i-th set cnt[i] is 1.

Let a set with a representative y be added to a set with a representative x.


Then the minimum, maximum and number of elements in the set are recalculated as follows:

·        cnt[x] = cnt[x] + cnt[y];

·        amin[x] = min(amin[x], amin[y]);

·        amax[x] = max(amax[x], amax[y]);



Let’s simulate the queries from the sample.





Algorithm realization

Declare the arrays:

·        parent array of parents for DSU;

·        depth contains the height of the tree, used for heuristics;

·        amin, amax – arrays keep minimum and maximum elements in sets;

·        cnt – an array to hold the number of elements in sets;


#define MAX 300001


int parent[MAX], depth[MAX], amin[MAX], amax[MAX], cnt[MAX];


Function Repr finds a representative of the set that contains vertex v.


int Repr(int v)


  if (v == parent[v]) return v;

  return parent[v] = Repr(parent[v]);



Function Union unites sets that contain vertices x and y.


void Union(int x, int y)



Find the representatives of x and y.


  x = Repr(x), y = Repr(y);

  if (x == y) return;


Implement the tree height heuristic. The set with a lower height is attached to a set with a higher height.


  if (depth[x] < depth[y]) swap(x, y);

  parent[y] = x;

  if (depth[x] == depth[y]) depth[x]++;


The number of vertices from the set with element y is added to the set where x is located.


  cnt[x] += cnt[y];


Recalculate the minimum and maximum elements in the sets.


  if (amin[y] < amin[x]) amin[x] = amin[y];

  if (amax[y] > amax[x]) amax[x] = amax[y];



The main part of the program. Read the input data. Initialize the arrays. Initially, we have n sets of one element. The minimum and maximum in the i-th set equals to i. The size of the i-th set cnt[i] is 1.

The height of each set depth[i] is initially assumed to be 0.


scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);

for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) parent[i] = i;

for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) amin[i] = amax[i] = i;

for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) cnt[i] = 1;


Process m queries sequentially.


for (i = 0; i < m; i++)



  scanf("%s %d", s, &u);

  if (s[0] == 'u')


    scanf("%d", &v);


Union the sets that contains elements u and v.


    Union(u, v);





Find a representative of the set containing element u.


    int u1 = Repr(u);


Print the minimum and maximum element of the set, as well as the number of its elements.


    printf("%d %d %d\n", amin[u1], amax[u1], cnt[u1]);

