11092. Minimum string


Phineas and Ferb really want to appear in the credits stored on Candace’s computer. They know that Candace is afraid of forgetting the password, so she keeps a hint: two strings a and b, consisting of lowercase English letters.

This morning, Ferb learned the rule by which the password can be derived from the hint.

Consider the following operation:

·     Choose any position in string a. Choose any position in string b.

·     Swap the characters at these positions.

The password is the lexicographically smallest string a that can be obtained by applying any number of such operations. Help the guys compute the password.


Input. The first line contains string a, and the second line contains string b (1 ≤ |a|, |b| ≤ 105). Both strings consist of lowercase English letters.


Output. Print the computed password.


Sample input

Sample output









Algorithm analysis

The lexicographically smallest letters can always be inserted into string a (at any position) using the described operation.

Let’s combine strings a and b. Let s = a + b. Sort the letters of string s in ascending order. The lexicographically smallest letters will be at the beginning of string s. If string a contains k letters, the password will be the prefix of string s of length k.


Algorithm implementation

Read the input strings a and b.


cin >> a;

cin >> b;


Combine strings a and b and sort the resulting string.


s = a + b;

sort(s.begin(), s.end());


Print the answer – the prefix of string s with a length equal to a.size().


cout << s.substr(0, a.size());


Python implementation

Read the input strings a and b.


a = input()

b = input()


Combine strings a and b.


s = a + b


Sort the string s.


s = ''.join(sorted(s))


Print the answer – the prefix of string s with a length equal to len(a).

