11246. Sum of three


Given an array of integers A and an integer x. Find a triplet of numbers (Ai, Aj, Ak) in the array whose sum equals x. All indices i, j, k should be different.


Input. The first line contains the size of the array n (n3 * 104) and the value of x (|x| ≤ 109). The second line contains n integers, each of which does not exceed 108 in absolute value.


Output. If the required triplet exists, print it in any order. If multiple triplets exist, print any one of them. If the desired triplet does not exist, print -1.


Sample input

Sample output

8 19

20 3 5 1 15 7 17 12

1 3 15




two pointers


Algorithm analysis

Let a0, a1, …, an-1 be an input array. Iterate through all possible indices k = 0, 1, …, n – 3. Then, for each value of k, find a pair of indices (i, j) such that i > k and ai + aj = xak (i < j). This can be achieved on a sorted array using the two-pointer technique in linear time.



Algorithm realization

Read the input data.


cin >> n >> x;


for (i = 0; i < n; i++)

  cin >> v[i];


Sort the input array.


sort(v.begin(), v.end());


Iterate through the values k = 0, 1, …, n – 3.


for (k = 0; k < n - 2; k++)



Find a pair of indices (i, j) such that i > k and vi + vj = xvk (i < j). Initialize the indices i and j.


  i = k + 1; j = n - 1;

  s = x - v[k];


Use the two-pointer technique to find the desired pair (i, j).


  while (i < j)


    if (v[i] + v[j] == s)



If the pair (i, j) is found, print the desired triplet of numbers (vk, vi, vj).


      printf("%d %d %d\n", v[k], v[i], v[j]);

      return 0;



If v[i] + v[j] < s, then move pointer i one position to the right;

If v[i] + v[j] > s, then move pointer j one position to the left;


    if (v[i] + v[j] < s) i++; else j--;




If the triplet of numbers is not found, print -1.


cout << -1 << endl;


Python realization

Read the input data.


n, x = map(int, input().split())

v = list(map(int, input().split()))


Sort the input list.




Iterate through the values k = 0, 1, …, n – 3.


for k in range(n - 2):


Find a pair of indices (i, j) such that i > k and vi + vj = xvk (i < j). Initialize the indices i and j.


  i, j = k + 1, n – 1

  s = x - v[k]


Use the two-pointer technique to find the desired pair (i, j).


  while i < j:

    if v[i] + v[j] == s:


If the pair (i, j) is found, print the desired triplet of numbers (vk, vi, vj).


      print(v[k], v[i], v[j])



If v[i] + v[j] < s, then move pointer i one position to the right;

If v[i] + v[j] > s, then move pointer j one position to the left;


    elif v[i] + v[j] < s:

      i += 1


      j -= 1


If the triplet of numbers is not found, print -1.

