11291. Distributing the money
Huseyn and his younger brother found a
wallet with n banknotes on the street. Since the owner of the money
could not be found, they decided to divide the money among themselves. They
divided the money among themselves so that everyone got the same amount of
money. At this time, there could be the least amount of money that could be
left. Huseyn took this money because he is the older brother.
Determine the amount of money that Hussein
Input. The first line contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 500) – the number of banknotes in the
wallet. Each of the following lines contains one positive integer value ci – the value of the i-th
banknote (in manats). It is known that c1 + ... + cn ≤ 105.
Output. Print the amount of money that Huseyn got.
input 1 |
Sample output
1 |
5 4 2 3 1 10 |
10 |
input 2 |
Sample output 2 |
4 3 17 2 19 |
22 |
dynamic programming
Let s1 be Huseyn’s current sum, s2 his brother’s current sum. We assume that s1 > s2. If it suddenly
becomes s1 > s2, then we simply
change the sums between the brothers.
Declare an array dp
such that dp[i] contains the largest amount of money such that it can be
given to Huseyn and his
brother to get s1 – s2 = i. Note that in
this case dp[i] = s1 + s2. For example,
for the first test:
dp[0] = 20: Huseyn = {1, 2, 3, 4}, brother = {10}, (1 + 2 + 3 + 4)
– 10 = 0;
dp[1] = 19:
Huseyn = {10}, brother = {2, 3, 4}, 10 – (2 + 3 +
4) = 1;
dp[2] = 20: Huseyn = {1, 10}, brother = {2, 3, 4}, (1 + 10) – (2 +
3 + 4) = 2;
dp[3] = 17:
Huseyn = {10}, brother = {3, 4}, (10) – (3 + 4)
= 3;
For example, it
is impossible to distribute an amount greater than 17 to the brothers so that
the difference between their amounts is 3.
Initialize the
array dp with values -1 (dp[i] = -1 means that it is impossible
to distribute banknotes so that the difference between the amounts of the
brothers was i). Initially set
dp[0] = 0.
We start to process the banknotes sequentially.
Let (i – 1) banknotes have already been processed, the current one is
the banknote number i with the value ci.
Iterate over the
elements of the array
dp. Consider a cell dp[j] for which s1 – s2 = j and dp[j] = s1 + s2.
1. Let’s give a banknote
number i to Huseyn. Then the given amount of money will become s1 + s2 + ci = dp[j] + ci, and the
difference between the amounts of the brothers become (s1 + ci) – s2 = j + ci. If the sum of dp[j] + ci is greater than dp[j + ci], then the value of dp[j + ci] should be updated:
dp[j + ci] = max(dp[j + ci], dp[j] + ci)
2. Let’s give a banknote number i
to Hussein's brother. Then the given amount of money become s1 + s2 + ci = dp[j] + ci, and the
difference between the amounts of the brothers become s1 – (s2 + ci) = j – ci. If the sum dp[j] + ci is greater than
dp[j – ci], then the value of dp[j – ci] should be updated. However, it may turn
out that j – ci < 0. In this case, the brothers
exchange money, and we take the difference by absolute value:
dp[| j – ci |] = max(dp[| j – ci |], dp[j] + ci)
After processing
all the banknotes, dp[0] stores the largest amount that can be evenly
distributed among the brothers. The rest is given to Huseyn. Let sum be the sum of all
available money. Then Hussein will get dp[0] / 2 + (sum – dp[0]).
Consider n = 3 banknotes with
denominations {3, 5, 2}. Consider how the state of the dp array be changed
while the banknotes are processed.
Consider the array processing
for the last banknote ci = 2.
Banknote is given to Huseyn, iterate from left to right:
Banknote is given to Huseyn’s brother, iterate from right to left:
To get the final
result, find the maximum among the corresponding cells of the temp
Read the
number of banknotes n.
scanf("%d", &n);
Initialize the
arrays with the value of -1.
#define MAX 100005
dp = vector<int>(MAX, -1);
tmp_dp = vector<int>(MAX, -1);
dp[0] = tmp_dp[0] = 0;
In the variable
sum find the total amount of money.
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
Read the
value of the i-th banknote c. Add this value to the total amount sum.
scanf("%d", &c);
sum += c;
Give a
banknote with value c to Huseyn’s brother. Iterate from right to left.
for (j = MAX - 1; j >= 0; j--)
if (dp[j] != -1)
tmp_dp[abs(j - c)] = max(tmp_dp[abs(j - c)], dp[j] + c);
Give a
banknote with value c to Huseyn. Iterate from left to right.
for (j = 0; j < MAX - c; j++)
if (dp[j] != -1)
tmp_dp[j + c] = max(tmp_dp[j + c], dp[j] + c);
Copy the
contents of tmp_dp to dp.
dp = tmp_dp;
Print the
printf("%d\n", dp[0] / 2 + (sum - dp[0]));