11311. Distance to special point


This is an interactive problem


On the plane the integer points with coordinates does not exceeding 106 are labeled. The movement is allowed along the lines that are parallel to the coordinate axis, so the distance between two points that have coordinates x1, y1 and x2, y2 is calculated as |x1 x2| + |y1 y2|.

There is unknown special labeled point A. You may for one query ask the distance from the labeled point you choose to the point A. Your task is to guess the coordinates of A for two queries.


Interaction Protocol

The interaction is started by your program. You may ask the queries in the format “x y” – ask the distance (in definitions of the task) from the labeled point with coordinates x, y to the point A (-106 x, y 106, x and y are integers).

If you are ready to print the answer, use the following format: “x y” (x and y are the coordinates of the point A, then exit the program. This action is not considered as a query.



For the correct interaction print the end-of-line after each query and after the answer and flush the output buffer with the respective functions of your programming language:

·        cout.flush() or fflush(stdout) for C/C++;

·        stdout.flush() for Python;

·        look your language documentation for the other languages.


Sample input

Sample output





? 0 0


? 1 0


! 1 0






Algorithm analysis

Let INF = 106. Let’s make two queries at points X(-INF, -INF) è Y(INF, -INF).

Let O(x, y) be the coordinates of unknown point.

Let d(O, X) = a, d(O, Y) = b. Here d(O, X) denotes the distance between points O and X.



We have a system: , wherefrom a + b = k + m + 2l. Considering that k + m = 2 * INF, we have: a + b = 2 * INF + 2l. Hence l = (a + b – 2 * INF) / 2.

Knowing the value of l, we can find the y coordinate of the unknown point: y = – INF + l.

Since a = k + l, then k = al.

The abscissa of the unknown point is x = – INF + k = – INF + al.

Thus, the point has coordinates O(– INF + al, – INF + l).


Algorithm realization

Define a constant INF = 106.


#define INF 1000000


The function ask returns the distance res from the unknown point to the point (x, y).


int ask(int x, int y)



Print a query – find the distance from the unknown point to (x, y).


  printf("? %d %d\n", x, y);


Clean the output buffer for correct interaction between the program and the interactor.



  int res;


Read and return the interactor’s response – the distance from the unknown point to (x, y).


  scanf("%d", &res);

  return res;



The main part of the program. Let’s find the distances a = d(O, X) and b = d(O, Y), where O(x, y) is the unknown point, X(-INF, -INF), Y(INF, -INF).


int a = ask(-INF, -INF);

int b = ask(INF, -INF);


Find the length of the segment l.


int l = (a + b - 2 * INF) / 2;


Compute the coordinates (x, y) of unknown point.


int x = -INF + a - l;

int y = -INF + l;


Print the coordinates of the unknown point and clear the output buffer.


printf("! %d %d\n", x, y);



Below is the full program.


#include <stdio.h>

#define INF 1000000


int ask(int x, int y)


  printf("? %d %d\n", x, y);


  int res;

  scanf("%d", &res);

  return res;



int main()


  int a = ask(-INF, -INF);

  int b = ask(INF, -INF);


  int l = (a + b - 2 * INF) / 2;


  int x = -INF + a - l;

  int y = -INF + l;

  printf("! %d %d\n", x, y);



  return 0;
