Huseyn has a string consisting of
characters 0 and 1. To entertain himself, he came up with the
following game. Huseyn can perform one of two operations on the string:
append 0 to
the left end, and 1 to the right end;
append 0 to
the right end, and 1 to the left end;
For example, from the string 010,
Huseyn can obtain 00101 or 10100.
You are given a string obtained after all
of Huseyn's operations (it is possible that he did not perform any operation).
Determine the smallest possible length the string could have initially had.
Input. A single string of length no
more than 105, consisting only of characters 0 and 1.
Output. Print the smallest possible length of the string that
Huseyn could have initially had.
input 1 |
output 1 |
01010010 |
8 |
input 2 |
output 2 |
1001110 |
1 |
two pointers
Algorithm analysis
consider the input string s – the resulting string after Huseyn has performed all operations. Initialize two pointers: i = 0 at the
start of the string and j = n – 1 at the end.
If si ≠ sj,
then the
characters at the ends of the string are different: either 0 on the left and 1
on the right, or 1 on the left and 0 on the right. This means the previous
string could have been extended by applying one of the specified operations. In
this case, move both pointers i and j one position towards each other and check
again whether the substring s[i ... j] could have been obtained through Huseyn’s
As soon as the current
substring s[i ... j] satisfies si = sj, it can no longer be produced
by the given operations. Print its length – this is the original string that Huseyn had.
Let’s perform Huseyn’s
operations in reverse order.
The string s = “1”
was originally the one Huseyn had.
Algorithm realization
the input string and calculate its length, storing it in the variable res.
cin >> s;
res =
two pointers: i = 0 at the start and j = n – 1 at the end
of the string.
i = 0; j =
s.size() - 1;
If si ≠ sj, then the characters at the ends
of the string are different. Huseyn could have obtained the substring s[i ... j] from the substring s[i + 1 ... j – 1].
while ((i < j) && (s[i] != s[j]))
both pointers i and j one position towards each
other and decrease the current size res of the substring s[i ... j].
i++; j--;
res -= 2;
the answer.
cout << res << endl;