11722. Rectangle cutting
A rectangle of size a × b is given. Your task is to cut it
into squares. In one move, you can select one of the rectangles and split it
into two new rectangles so that all side lengths remain integers. Determine the
minimum number of moves required to complete this task.
Input. Two integers a and b (1 ≤ a, b ≤
Output. Print the minimum number of moves required to cut the
rectangle into squares.
Sample input 1 |
Sample output
1 |
3 5 |
3 |
Sample input 2 |
Sample output 2 |
5 10 |
1 |
dynamic programming
Algorithm analysis
Let f(a, b) be the minimum number of moves required
to cut a rectangle of size a × b into squares. We’ll store this value in the cell dp[a][b].
If the rectangle
is already a square (a = b), no cuts are needed, so f(a, a) = 0.
A rectangle a × b
can be cut either vertically or horizontally. Let’s first consider a vertical cut.
With a vertical cut, the rectangle a × b is divided into two rectangles: a × k and a × (b – k). For the resulting rectangles to be
non-degenerate, the condition 1 ≤ k < b must hold. Then recursively solve the problem for each of these two
rectangles and add 1 to the result, as we made one vertical cut. We choose such
a k that minimizes the sum f(a, k) + f(a, b – k)
+ 1:
f(a, b) =
For a horizontal cut, we
get a similar formula:
f(a, b) =
It remains to choose the
minimum value among these two options.
In the first test, 3 cuts are required:
first cut divides the 3 × 5 rectangle
into 3 ×
3 and 2 × 3;
second cut divides the 2 × 3 rectangle
into 2 ×
2 and 2 × 1;
third cut divides the 2 × 1 rectangle
into 1 ×
1 and 1 × 1;
Algorithm implementation
declare constants and the array.
#define MAX 501
#define INF 0x3F3F3F3F
int dp[MAX][MAX];
function f(a, b) returns the minimum number of moves required to cut a rectangle
of size a × b into squares.
int f(int a, int b)
the rectangle is already a square (a = b), no cuts are needed.
if (a == b) return 0;
the value of f(a, b)
is not computed (dp[a][b] = ∞), compute it.
if (dp[a][b] == INF)
all possible vertical cuts.
for (int k = 1;
k < b; k++)
dp[a][b] = min(dp[a][b], f(a, k) +
f(a, b - k) + 1);
all possible horizontal cuts.
for (int k = 1;
k < a; k++)
dp[a][b] = min(dp[a][b], f(k,
b) + f(a - k, b) + 1);
the result f(a, b) = dp[a][b].
return dp[a][b];
main part of the program. Read the dimensions of the rectangle a and b.
scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
and print the answer.
memset(dp, 0x3F, sizeof(dp));
printf("%d\n", f(a, b));