1503. Circum triangle


You are given n distinct points on the boundary of a circle with radius r whose center is at the origin. As the points are on the same circle no three of them are collinear, so any three of them creates a valid triangle. Your job is to find the summation of areas of these triangles.


Input. Contains at most 16 tests. Each test starts with two integers n (0 £ n £ 500) and r (0 < r £ 100). Here n is the number of points and r is the radius of the circle. You can assume that the center of the circle is always at the origin. This line is followed by n lines each of which contains a floating-point number θ (0.0 ≤ θ < 360.00) which denotes the angle in degree the designated point creates with respect to the origin with x-axis. So, for example if θ is 30.00 degree then the Cartesian coordinate of the intended point is (r×cos(30.00°), r×sin(30.00°)). The last line contains n = r = 0 and is not processed.


Output. For each test case print one line. This line contains an integer which is the total area (rounded to the nearest integer) of all possible triangles formed by the given n points.


Sample input

Sample output

5 10






3 20




0 0






geometry + full search


Algorithm analysis

Consider triangle ABC. We calculate its area as the area of the circle minus the area of the three black segments, as shown in the figure.


Thus, the desired area is equal to  minus the total area of the segments, which, as will be shown below, can be calculated in O(n2) time.

Recall that the area of the sector of radius r subtracted by angle a is equal to . The area of the corresponding segment is equal to the area of the sector minus the area of an isosceles triangle with lateral side r and vertex angle a. Thus, the area of the segment is

Ssegment =  =


Initially, we set the desired area of all triangles equal to res =  = . After that, we will sequentially subtract the areas of the segments from res.

Consider a segment connecting the points Pi and Pj (i < j). In the variable s, we calculate the area of the segment that we pass when moving along a circle from the point Pi to Pj counterclockwise (in the direction of increasing angles).

The area s of a segment is subtracted from the total area res as many times as there are points between Pi and Pj from the side of the segment of area r2s. The area s of a segment is subtracted when calculating the areas of triangles PiPjPk, where k runs through the points located from Pj to Pi while moving counterclockwise (k takes the values j + 1, j + 2, …, i – 2, i – 1). There will be pnts1 =  n – (ji + 1) such points. Subtract from res pnts1 times the area s.

Accordingly, from the side of the segment of area s will be pnts2 = npnts1 – 2 points. This number of times we must subtract the area r2s of the segment from res.


Algorithm realization

Find the degree measure of points, convert it to radian and put it into array d (d[i] contains the radian measure of the i - th point).


double d[MAX];


Read the input data till the end of the file.


while(scanf("%d %d",&n,&r), n + r)



Store the radian measure of points into array d.


  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)



    d[i] = d[i] * PI / 180;



Sort an array d in ascending order.


  sort(d,d + n);


Initially store in the variable res the area of  circles of radius r, that is the value  = . Assign to the variable r2 the value of , and sq is the area of one circle .


  res = n * (n - 1) * (n - 2) / 6 * PI * r * r;

  r2 = r * r / 2.0; sq = PI * r * r;


Iterate through all pairs of points using two indices i and j.


  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)

    for(j = i + 1; j < n; j++)



Find the angle alfa between the points i and j, that equals to d[j] – d[i]. If alfa is less than , then when moving from i to j we pass through a smaller segment and its area is equal to . Otherwise, when moving from i to j, we pass through a larger segment, and in this case its area is equal to , where .



In both cases, the variable s is assigned the area of the segment that we pass when moving from Pi to Pj counterclockwise.


      alfa = d[j] - d[i];

      if (alfa < PI)

        s = r2 * (alfa - sin(alfa));



        alfa = 2 * PI - alfa,

        s = sq - r2 * (alfa - sin(alfa));



The number of points points lying on a segment whose area is  equal to n – (ji + 1). Thus, points times the area of segment s must be subtracted from the value of res.


      points = n - (j - i + 1);

      res -= s * points;


The number of points lying on the segment of area s is equal to points = npoints – 2. The area of the opposite segment is equal to sqs. It remains to subtract it from res points times.


      points = n - points - 2;

      res -= (sq - s) * points;



Print the required area res.


