The number of diagonals of
an n-gon is not less than N.
What is the minimum possible value of n?
Input. Contains less than 1001 lines.
Each line contains a positive integer N (N £ 1015) that indicates the minimum
possible number of diagonals. Input is terminated by a line with one 0 that
should not be processed.
Output. For each test case produce
one line that contains serial number and the minimum possible value for n (number of sides).
Sample input |
Sample output |
10 100 1000 0 |
1: 7 Case
2: 16 Case
3: 47 |
Each point of
the polygon is connected by segments with n
– 1 other
points. These line segments form 2 sides and n – 3 diagonals. Since there are n points in the polygon, and n – 3 diagonals get out from each point, the number of diagonals of a convex n - gon is n * (n – 3) / 2 (each diagonal
is counted twice).
If n * (n – 3) / 2 = N, then the value of n can
be found from the quadratic equation
n2 – 3 * n
– 2 * N = 0
The positive
root of the equation is
It remains to
round up the computed value.
Since N £ 1015, the calculations
should be performed using long long data type.
Consider the second test case. For N = 100 we have
n = = 16
Read the input
data while N > 0,
calculate the result using
the formula and print it with
the test number.
cs = 1;
while(scanf("%lld",&n), n > 0)
res = int(ceil((3 + sqrtl(9.0 + 8*n)) / 2));
printf("Case %d: %d\n",cs,res);
Java realization
import java.util.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String[]
Scanner con = new Scanner(;
long n, cs = 1;
while((n =
con.nextLong()) > 0)
long res = (int)(Math.ceil((3
+ Math.sqrt(9 + 8*n))/2));
" +
cs + ":
" +