1551. Correcting parenthesization


Given a string of parentheses, we must turn it into a well formed string by changing as few characters as possible (we cannot delete or insert characters).

There are three kinds of parentheses: regular (), brackets [] and curly brackets {}. Each pair has an opening ('(', '[' and '{' respectively) and a closing (')', ']' and '}') character.

A well formed string of parentheses is defined by the following rules:

·        The empty string is well formed.

·        If s is a well formed string, (s), [s] and {s} are well formed strings.

·        If s and t are well formed strings, the concatenation st is a well formed string.

As examples, "([{}])", "" and "(){}[]" are well formed strings and "([}]", "([)]" and "{" are malformed strings.

For the given string of parentheses find the minimum number of characters that need to be changed to make it into a well formed string.


Input.  Each line contains the string with even number of symbols '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}'. The length of each line is no more than 50.


Output. For each input string print in a separate line the minimum number of characters that need to be changed to make it into a well formed string.


Sample input

Samle output










dynamic programming


Algorithm analysis

Let f(i, j) be the smallest number of characters that can be changed so that the substring sisi+1sj-1sj becomes correct. Then the following statements hold:


1. f(i, j) = 0 for i > j, since in this case the substring will be empty.


2. f(i, j) = f(i + 1, j – 1) + enc(si ,sj). Make si to be the opening parenthesis and sj to be the corresponding closing parenthesis. Further, recursively consider the substring si+1sj-1.

Function enc(si ,sj) returns:

a) 0, if the characters si and sj are matching opening and closing parentheses;

b) 2, if si is a closing parenthesis and sj is an opening parenthesis;

c) 1 otherwise. In this case, it is enough to change one of the symbols si or sj so that they form the correct pair of parenthesis;


3. f(i, j) = (f(i, k) + f(k + 1, j)). Consider the sequence sisi+1sj-1sj as a sequence of two regular parenthesis structures: sisk è sk+1sj. The length of a substring sisk must be even, hence k takes the values i + 1, i + 3, …, j2.



Consider the first line from the sample.

f(0, 7) = f(0, 3) + f(4, 7) = (2 + f(1, 2)) + (0 + f(5, 6)) = (2 + 0) + (0 + 1) = 3



Algorithm realization

Store the values of f(i, j) in m[i][j]. Read the input string into s.


int m[51][51], res;

string s;


Implementation of the function enc(c, d).


int enc(char c, char d)


  string p = "([{)]}";


Function returns 2 if c is a closing parenthesis and d is an opening parenthesis.


  if (p.find(c) / 3 > 0 && p.find(d) / 3 < 1) return 2;


Function returns 0, if c and d are the corresponding parentheses. If they are not in the correct order, the function will return the value 2 above.


  if (p.find(c) % 3 == p.find(d) % 3 && c != d) return 0;


In all other cases, return 1.


  return 1;



Function f(i, j) returns the smallest number of characters that can be changed so that the substring sisi+1sj-1sj becomes valid.


int f(int i, int j)


  if (i > j) return 0;

  if (m[i][j] != -1) return m[i][j];


  int r = f(i+1,j-1) + enc(s[i],s[j]);

  for(int k = i + 1; k < j; k += 2)

    r = min(r,f(i,k) + f(k+1,j));


  return m[i][j] = r;



The main part of the program. Process multiple test cases.


while(cin >> s)




The answer to the problem is the value f(0, |s| – 1), where s is the input string.


  res = f(0, s.size() - 1);

  cout << res << endl;



Java realization


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  static int m[][];

  static String s;


  public static int enc(char c, char d)


    String p = "([{)]}";

    if (p.indexOf(c) / 3 > 0 && p.indexOf(d) / 3 < 1) return 2;

    if (p.indexOf(c) % 3 == p.indexOf(d) % 3 && c != d) return 0;

    return 1;



  public static int f(int i, int j)


    if (i > j) return 0;

    if (m[i][j] != -1) return m[i][j];


    int r = f(i + 1, j - 1) + enc(s.charAt(i), s.charAt(j));


    for (int k = i + 1; k < j; k += 2)

      r = Math.min(r, f(i, k) + f(k + 1, j));

    return m[i][j] = r;



  public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);

    while (con.hasNext())


      s = con.next();

      int len = s.length();


      m = new int[len][len];

      for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)

      for(int j = 0; j < len; j++)

        m[i][j] = -1;


      int res = f(0, len - 1);




