1575. God! Save me


You are in a room with n doors. If you open the door numbered i, then after xi hours you will either reach a safe place or return to this same room. Calculate the expected time P (in hours) after which you can escape the room to a safe place.


Input. The first line contains the number of tests. The first line of each test contains the number of doors n (0 < n < 100). Each of the following n lines contains two numbers xi (0 < | xi | < 25) and pi (0 pi 1).

·        If xi is positive, it represents the time after which you can reach a safe place;

·        If xi is negative, then xi represents the time after which you will find yourself back in the room;

Here, pi is the probability of opening the i-th door. The sum of all pi equals 1.


Output. For each test, print its number, a colon, a space, and then:

·        the phrase “God! Save me” if it is impossible to escape from the room;

·        or the expected time P with 6 decimal places, after which you can escape from the room to a safe place.


Sample input

Sample output



2 0.33

-3 0.33

-5 0.34


2 0.34

-3 0.33

-5 0.33


10 0.0

-1 0.4

-1 0.6

Case 1: 10.151515
Case 2: 9.764706
Case 3: God! Save me






Algorithm analysis

Let P denote the expected time to escape the room to a safe place. This time is expressed as follows:

P = ,

where ti is the time to reach a safe place if the i-th door is chosen. It is clear that ti = xi if xi > 0. If xi < 0, then to escape, one must first spend time -xi to return to the room, and then spend time P for another attempt to exit. Thus, in this case, ti = -xi + P.

As a result, we obtain a linear equation in terms of P. This equation can be constructed and solved in O(n) time, where n is the number of doors.



Let’s consider the first test. Create an equation:

P = 0.33 * 2 + 0.33 * (3 + P) + 0.34 * (5 + P),

where from 0.33 * P = 3.35 or P = 10.151515.


Algorithm realization

We’ll solve the linear equation as follows. All terms containing the multiplier P will be moved to the left side, and their coefficients will be stored in the variable left. All constants will be collected on the right side and stored in the variable right. Initially, set left = 1 and right = 0.

Read n pairs of numbers x and p.

·        If x > 0, then increase the right side of the equation by x * p.

·        If x < 0, a term p * (-x + P) will appear on the right side of the equation. In this case, we should add p * (-x) to the right side and subtract p from the left side.


left = 1.0; right = 0.0;


for(j = 0; j < n; j++)


  scanf("%lf %lf",&x, &p);

  if (x < 0.0)


    left -= p;

    right += p * (-x);

  } else

      right += x * p;



We obtained the equation left * P = right. If left = 0, then it is impossible to escape from the room (there is no door leading to a safe place). Otherwise, the sought time can be calculated as P = right / left.


if (left > 0.0)


  res = right / left;


Print the answer. The variable i corresponds to the test number.


  printf("Case %d: %.2lf\n",i,res);

} else

  printf("Case %d: God! Save me\n",i);