1648. Fenwick Function


The value of Fenwick function for the number n is the maximum power of two that divides n. Given the number n, find its value of Fenwick function.


Input. One number n (0 < n ≤ 231 – 1).


Output. Print the value of Fenwick function for the number n.


Sample input



Sample output





bit operations


Algorithm analysis

While n is even, divide it by 2, and count the number of divisions in variable k. The value 2k is a maximum power of two that divides the original number n.

The problem also can be solved without loops. The operation n & (n – 1) resets in number n the last one bit in its binary notation. The value n – (n & (n – 1)) is the answer.




Algorithm realization

Read input value of n.




While the number n is divisible by 2, divide it by 2 (perform a shift one bit to the right) and increase k (the required power of two) by one.


while(n % 2 == 0)


  n >>= 1;




Print the answer.


printf("%d\n",1 << k);


Realization without a loop



res = n - (n & (n  - 1));
