137. GCD


Find the Greatest Common Divisor of n numbers.


Input. The first line contains the value of n (1 < n < 101). The second line contains n positive integers. Each number is not greater than 30000.


Output. Print the Greatest Common Divisor of n numbers.


Sample input

Sample output


15 25







Algorithm analysis

It is known that

GCD (a1, a2, …, ai) = GCD (GCD (a1, a2, …, ai - 1) , ai)

We shall sequentially calculate the greatest common divisor of two, three,…, n numbers. For example, for four numbers holds an equality:

GCD (a1, a2, a3, a4) = GCD (GCD (GCD (GCD (0, a1), a2), a3), a4)


Algorithm realization

Function gcd finds the Greatest Common Divisor.


int gcd(int a, int b)


  return (!b) ? a : gcd(b, a % b);



Read the input data and sequentially find GCD of n numbers.


res = 0;

scanf("%d", &n);

while (n--)


  scanf("%d", &b);

  res = gcd(res, b);



Print the answer.


printf("%d\n", res);