There are n houses in the city of Zelenograd. Some
of them are connected by one-way roads.
In recent times
in Zelenograd the incidents of fires have increased. In this regard, the
residents decided to build several fire stations in the city. But there was a
problem – the fire engine traveling on the call, of course, can ignore the
direction of the current road, however, the car returning from the job is
obliged to follow the traffic rules (the people of Zelenograd piously respect
these rules!).
It is clear that
wherever the fire truck will be, it should be possible to return to the fire station
where from it started its way. But the construction of stations costs a lot of
money, so at the city council it was decided to build a minimum number of
stations in such a way that this condition was hold. In addition for saving
money, it was decided to build stations in the form of extensions to existing
Your task is to
write a program that calculates the optimal position of the stations.
Input. First line contains the
number of houses n (1 ≤ n ≤ 3000). Second line contains the
number of roads m (1 ≤ m ≤ 105). Then the
description of the roads is given in format ai bi meaning that it is
allowed for the cars to move along the road i from
the house ai to the
house bi (1 ≤ ai, bi ≤ n).
Output. In the
first line print the minimum number of fire stations k that must be built. In the second line print k numbers in random order – the houses
where you need to attach the fire stations. If there are several optimal
solutions, output any.
input |
output |
5 7 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 4
2 5 |
2 4 5 |
graphs – strongly
connected components
In this problem you
need to find the minimum set of vertices reachable from all other vertices in the graph. Find the
condensation of the graph. Consider a strongly connected component without any outgoing edge. Having arrived
from other components, you can put out the fire, but you will no longer be able
to get home by following the road rules. Therefore, if there are no outgoing edges from some
connected component, then it is necessary to build a fire station in it. There
is no need to build other stations, since from any vertex it is always possible
to get along the edges of the graph into a component without outgoing edges.
The input graph
contains three strongly connected components. No edge comes out from components
consisting of one vertex (4 and 5). Therefore, it is enough to build fire
stations in them.
Algorithm realization
The input graph
is stored in the adjacency list g.
The reversed graph (the
graph in which all edge directions are reversed) is stored in the
adjacency list gr.
vector<vector<int> > g, gr;
vector<int> used, top, color, repr;
The function dfs1 implements
depth first search on the input graph. In the array top store the
vertices in the order in which the depth first search ends their
void dfs1(int v)
used[v] = 1;
for (int to : g[v])
if (!used[to]) dfs1(to);
function dfs2 implements depth first search
on the reversed graph. All vertices that will be traversed as a
result of a recursive call of dfs2 function belong
to one strongly connected component. Color all the visited vertices
with color c. Vertices in one strongly connected component have the
same color. For each color ñ memoize in the array repr its representative – any vertex
colored with color ñ.
void dfs2(int v, int c)
color[v] = c;
repr[c] = v;
for (int to : gr[v])
if (color[to] == -1) dfs2(to, c);
main part of the program. Read the input data. Build the reversed graph.
scanf("%d %d",&n,&m);
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
Start the depth first
search on the input graph. The sequence in which the graph vertices processing is
completed is stored in the array top.
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
if (!used[i])
the depth first search on the reversed graph. Iterate the vertices of the
reversed graph in the order of traversing the array top from right to
left (from end to start). For convenience of the further processing, let’s
reverse the array top.
color.assign(n+1, -1);
repr.assign(n+1, -1);
The vertices included in one
strongly connected component are colored with the same color. The current color
is in the variable c.
c = 0;
for (int v : top)
if (color[v] == -1)
dfs2(v, c++);
variable c contains the number of strongly connected components.
used.assign(c, 1);
for(i = 1; i < g.size(); i++)
for (int to : g[i])
Iterate over the edges of the graph (i, to).
Check if the vertices i and to lie in
different strongly connected components. This is the case if they are colored in
different colors. In this case there is no sense to build a fire station in the connected
component with color color[i], so set
used[color[i]] = 0.
if (color[i]
!= color[to]) used[color[i]] = 0;
Count the number of components c where the fire station should
be built.
c = 0;
for(i = 0; i < used.size(); i++)
if (used[i])
Print the number of fire stations c that must be built.
For each component of color i, that does not
have any outgoing edge, print one of its representatives (the value of repr[i]) – these will be the numbers of houses near which fire stations should
be built.
for(i = 0; i < used.size(); i++)
if (used[i])
printf("%d ",repr[i]);