1991. Maximum flow


Find the maximum flow in the given network.


Input. The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n ≤ 100, 1 ≤ m ≤ 10000) – respectively the number of vertices and edges in the network. Each of the following m lines contains three numbers uivi and ci (1 ≤ ui, vin, 1 ≤ ci ≤ 10000), meaning that between vertices ui and vi in the network there is an edge with capacity ci. Vertex 1 is the source, and the vertex n is the destination. Graph of the network is undirected and can contain multiple edges. All numbers are integers.


Output. Print the maximum flow in the given network.


Sample input

Sample output

3 3
1 2 3
1 3 5

3 2 7





graphmaximum flow


Algorithm analysis

In this problem it is enough to implement the algorithm of finding the maximum flow in the undirected graph with multiedges. For example, to find the augmenting path from source to destination, we’ll use the depth first search.



The graph from the test case has the following form. The source is shown in green and the destination in orange.


Algorithm realization

The weights of the graph edges are stored in the matrix m. In the array used we mark the used vertices during the depth first search.


#define MAX 120

int m[MAX][MAX], used[MAX];


The AugPath(vCur, Final, CurFlow) function finds the residual capacity of the augmenting path from vCur to Final if the residual capacity of the augmenting path from the start vertex to vCur equals to CurFlow.



int AugPath(int vCur, int Final, int CurFlow)


  if (vCur == Final) return CurFlow;

  if (used[vCur]++) return 0;


  for (int Flow, To = 1; To <= n; To++)



Consider an edge (vCur, To).


    if (m[vCur][To] > 0 &&

       (Flow = AugPath(To,Final,min(CurFlow,m[vCur][To]))))


      m[vCur][To] -= Flow; m[To][vCur] += Flow;

      return Flow;



  return 0;



The main part of the program. Read the input data. If the graph contains multi-edges between vertices a and b with capacities ñ1, ñ2, …, ck, then we assume that there is one edge between a and b with capacity ñ1 + ñ2 + … + ck.


scanf("%d %d",&n,&Edges);


while (Edges--)

  scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c), m[a][b] += c, m[b][a] += c;


As long as there is an augmenting path, increase the flow amount MaxFlow between source 1 and sink n.


MaxFlow = 0;




} while ((flow = AugPath (1,n,0x7FFFFFFF)) && (MaxFlow += flow));


Print the maximum flow.




Algorithm realization – Edmonds - Karp


#include <cstdio>

#include <cstring>

#include <queue>

#define MAX 120

#define INF 2000000000

using namespace std;


int m[MAX][MAX], used[MAX], parent[MAX];

int a, b, c, flow, MaxFlow, n, Edges;


void bfs(int v)


  queue<int> q;

  q.push(v); used[v] = 1;



     int from = q.front(); q.pop();

     if (from == n) return;

     for(int to = 1; to <= n; to++)

     if ((m[from][to] > 0) && (!used[to]))


       used[to] = 1;

       parent[to] = from;






void Rebuild(int k, int flow)


  if (parent[k] == -1) return;


  m[parent[k]][k] -= flow;

  m[k][parent[k]] += flow;



int FindFlow(int k)


  if (parent[k] == -1) return INF;

  int x = FindFlow(parent[k]);

  return min(x,m[parent[k]][k]);



int main(void)


  scanf("%d %d",&n,&Edges);


  while (Edges--)


    scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c);

    m[a][b] += c; m[b][a] += c; // multiedges



  MaxFlow = 0;








    flow = FindFlow(n);

    if (flow == INF) break;

    MaxFlow += flow;





  return 0;



Algorithm realization – Dinic


#include <cstdio>

#include <cstring>

#define MAX 120

#define INF 0x3F3F3F3F

using namespace std;


int Cap[MAX][MAX], CurFlow[MAX][MAX],

    used[MAX], d[MAX], q[MAX], ptr[MAX];

int a, b, c, MaxFlow, n, Edges;


int min(int i, int j)


  return (i < j) ? i : j;



int bfs(int s)


  int qh = 0, qt = 0;

  q[qt++] = s;

  memset (d, -1, sizeof(d));

  d[s] = 0;

  while (qh < qt)


    int v = q[qh++];

    for (int to = 1; to <= n; to++)

     if ((d[to] == -1) && (CurFlow[v][to] < Cap[v][to]))


       q[qt++] = to;

       d[to] = d[v] + 1;



  return d[n] != -1;



int dfs(int v, int flow)


  if (!flow)  return 0;

  if (v == n)  return flow;

  for (int &to = ptr[v]; to <= n; to++)


    if (d[to] != d[v] + 1)  continue;

    int pushed = dfs (to, min (flow, Cap[v][to] - CurFlow[v][to]));

    if (pushed)


      CurFlow[v][to] += pushed;

      CurFlow[to][v] -= pushed;

      return pushed;



  return 0;



int Dinic(int s)


  int flow = 0;

  for (;;)


    if (!bfs(s))  break;


    while (int pushed = dfs (s, INF))

      flow += pushed;


  return flow;



int main(void)


  scanf("%d %d",&n,&Edges);



  while (Edges--)

    scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c), Cap[a][b] += c, Cap[b][a] += c;

  MaxFlow = Dinic(1);



  return 0;
