2097. Tree digit numbers


From the given interval [a, b] print in ascending order all three-digit numbers with different digits.


Input. Two positive three-digit integers a and b (100 ≤ ab ≤ 999).


Output. Print in ascending order all three-digit numbers from the interval [a, b] with different digits. Print each number on a separate line.


Sample input

Sample output

100 105








full search


Algorithm analysis

Iterate over all three-digit numbers from a to b. If all the digits of the number are different, then print it.


Algorithm realization

The function diff takes a three-digit number n as input. Separate its digits: hundreds a, tens b and ones c. The function diff returns 1 if all digits of the number n are different.


int diff(int n)


  int a = n / 100;

  int b = (n / 10) % 10;

  int c = n % 10;

  return (a != b) && (b != c) && (a != c);



The main part of the program. Read the input values a and b.


scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);


Iterate over all numbers on the interval [a, b]. If all digits of the current number i are different, then print it.


for(i = a; i <= b; i++)

  if (diff(i)) printf("%d\n",i);


Java realization


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  static boolean diff(int n)


    int a = n / 100, b = (n / 10) % 10, c = n % 10;

    return !((a == b ) || (b == c) || (a == c));


  public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);

    int a = con.nextInt();

    int b = con.nextInt();

    for(int i = a; i <= b; i++)

      if(diff(i)) System.out.println(i);





Python realization

The function diff takes a three-digit number n as input. Separate its digits: hundreds a, tens b and ones c. The function diff returns 1 if all digits of the number n are different.


def diff(n):

  a = n // 100

  b = (n // 10) % 10

  c = n % 10

  return a != b and b != c and a != c


The main part of the program. Read the input values a and b.


a, b = map(int, input().split())


Iterate over all numbers on the interval [a, b]. If all digits of the current number i are different, then print it.


for i in range(a, b+1):

  if diff(i): print(i)