2923. Tree


The hanging tree contains n (1 ≤ n ≤ 106) vertices. Each vertex is colored in one of n colors. For each vertex v find the number of different colors, occurring in the subtree with root v.


Input. The first line contains the number n. The next n lines describe the vertices. The description of the vertex i has the form pi ci, where pi is the parent number of the vertex i, and ci is the color of the vertex i (1 ≤ cin). For the root of the tree pi = 0.


Output. Print n numbers, denoting the number of different colors in the subtrees rooted at the vertices 1, 2, ..., n.


Sample input

Sample output


2 1

3 2

0 3

3 3

2 1

1 2 3 1 1





graphs, depth first search


Algorithm analysis

Lets start a depth-first search from the root of the tree. For each vertex i, store a set si, where well accumulate the colors of the vertices in its subtrees. If j is the son of vertex i during a depth-first search, then sj must be included in si. The number of distinct colors in the subtree rooted at i equals the size of the set si.



On the left, near each vertex, its color is given. On the right, near each vertex, the set of colors in a subtree rooted at it is given.



Algorithm realization

In color[i] keep the color of the i-th vertex. In the set s[i] well accumulate colors in the subtree with root i. Store the directed tree in the adjacency list g. In res[i] store the number of different colors in the subtree rooted at i.


#define MAX 1000010

int color[MAX], res[MAX];

set<int> s[MAX];

vector<vector<int> > g;


Function dfs starts the depth-first search from the vertex v. Initially, put in s[v] the color of the vertex v. For each edge of the tree (v, to) add the set s[to] to s[v]. The number of different colors in the subtree with the root v equals the size of the set s[v], store it in res[v].


void dfs(int v)


  int i, to;


  for(i = 0; i < g[v].size(); i++)


    to = g[v][i];



If the size of the set s[v] is less than the size of the set s[to], swap them. Next, the content of the smaller set s[to] is added to the set s[v].


    if (s[v].size() < s[to].size()) s[v].swap(s[to]);

    s[v].insert(s[to].begin(), s[to].end());


Clear the set s[to] – it will no longer be useful to us.




  res[v] = s[v].size();



The main part of the program. Read the input data.




for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)


  scanf("%d %d",&p,&c);


  color[i] = c;



Start the depth-first search from the root of the tree – the vertex number zero.




Print the answer.


for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)

  printf("%d ",res[i]);
