3532. Interesting polygon


Vasya drew a convex polygon with sides of length 1, 2, 3, ..., n (4 ≤ n ≤ 30), and then built the circle around it. Find the radius r of the circle drawn around the polygon by Vasya.


Input. Number of sides n in a polygon.


Output. Print radius r of a circle with 8 digits after the decimal point.


Sample input

Sample output






geomentrybinary search


Algorithm analysis

Well search for the radius by binary search. It's obvious that r > n / 2 and r < n2.

Let the length of the side AB be equal to i. Write the cosine theorem for triangle AOB:

i2 = r2 + r2 – 2 * r * r * cosφ

Or the same as i2 = 2r2 – 2r2cosφ, whence cosφ = (2r2i2) / 2r2. Compute the sum of angles subtending the sides of the polygon with lengths 1, 2, 3,…, n. If the resulting sum of angles is greater than 2π, then the radius should be decreased. Otherwise, the radius should be increased. Find the value of the radius, for example, with an accuracy of 10-11.


Algorithm realization

Declare the constants.


#define EPS 1e-11

#define PI acos(-1.0)


Read the number of sides n. Set the boundaries of the binary search for the radius of the circumscribed circle [Left .. Right] = [n / 2 .. n2].



Left = n / 2; Right = n * n;


While the length of the segment [Left .. Right] is not less than 10-11, continue the binary search.


while(fabs(Right - Left) > EPS)



Divide the segment [Left .. Right] in half with the Middle point. Assuming the radius of the circle to be Middle, calculate in the variable fi the sum of the angles that subtend the sides of the polygon.


  Middle = (Left + Right) / 2;

  for(fi = 0, i = 1; i <= n; i++)


    double angle = (2*Middle*Middle - i*i)/(2*Middle*Middle);


If a triangle with sides i, Middle, Middle cannot be constructed, then the cosine value of the corresponding angle may go beyond the segment [-1, 1]. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the value of the radius of the circumscribed circle.


    if ((angle < -1.0) || (angle > 1.0))


      fi = 100; break;


    fi += acos(angle);



Depending on the found sum of angles fi, adjust the search segment.


  if (fi > 2*PI) Left = Middle; else Right = Middle;



Print the answer.

