446. Smooth Divisors


A positive integer m is called a smooth divisor of a number n if, when dividing n by m, the quotient and remainder are the same. For a given positive integer n, find the number of its smooth divisors.


Input. One positive integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 106).


Output. Print a single number the number of smooth divisors of n.


Sample input

Sample output








Algorithm analysis

Since the value of n is not too large, we can iterate through all possible values of m from 2 to n and check if the condition  holds. Count the number of such m.



For n = 20 there are two smooth divisors: 9 and 19, because

·        20 / 9 = 20 mod 9 = 2;

·        20 / 19 = 20 mod 19 = 1


Algorithm implementation

Read the input value of n.




In the variable res, count the number of such values of m (2 ≤ mn) for which the quotient of n divided by m is equal to the remainder of n divided by m.


res = 0;

for(m = 2; m <= n; m++)

  if ((n / m) == (n % m)) res++;


Print the answer.




Java implementation


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);

    int n = con.nextInt();

    int res = 0;

    for(int m = 2; m <= n; m++)

      if ((n / m) == (n % m)) res++;






Python implementation

Read the input value of n.


n = int(input())


In the variable res, count the number of such values of m (2 ≤ mn) for which the quotient of n divided by m is equal to the remainder of n divided by m.


res = 0

for m in range(2,n) :

  if (n // m == n % m) : res += 1


Print the answer.

