Piglet lying on the lawn
watched the swaying grass. He realized that they were swaying because the wind
was blowing and then he came up with an idea how to measure the strength of the
wind with the help of grass. The wind strength, by definition of Piglet, is the
difference between the height of the highest and lowest grass.
Input. First line contains one number n – the number of observed grass by Piglet. The next line contains n
numbers – the heights of the grass blades.
All input data are positive integers not exceeding 100, as Piglet does not
like to count much and could not do it for a very simple reason – he had never
met numbers larger than 100 in his life.
Output. Print one number – the
strength of the wind by the definition of Piglet.
input |
output |
14 3 6 5 3 5
5 4 5 4 3 2 3 6 4 |
4 |
Among the given heights of
the grass blades, find the smallest min and the largest max.
Their difference max – min will be the strength of
the wind according to the Piglet’s definition.
Read the value of n.
Initialize min and max with the first height val of the
min = max = val;
Read the heights of the remaining n – 1 blades of the grass. Recalculate
the maximum max and minimum min height of the grass blades.
for(i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (val >
max) max = val;
if (val <
min) min = val;
Print the strength of the wind according to the Piglet’s definition.
printf("%d\n",max - min);
n = int(input())
lst = list(map(int,input().split()))
print(max(lst) - min(lst))