520. The sum of all


Find the sum of all the given numbers.


Input. Contains n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105) integers. Each integer does not exceed 109 in absolute value.


Output. Print the sum of all the given numbers.


Sample input

Sample output

2 3

   1      1





read till the end of file


Algorithm analysis

Since n ≤ 105 and each number does not exceed 109 in absolute value, the sum of the given numbers can be up to approximately 1014. To compute the result, use the long long type.


Algorithm implementation

Read the input data until the end of the file. Sum up the given numbers.


res = 0;

while(scanf("%lld",&n) == 1)

  res += n;


Print the result.




Java implementation


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);

    long sum = 0;



      long val = con.nextLong();

      sum += val;







Python implementation


import sys


Read the input data until the end of the file. Sum up the given numbers.


sum = 0

for line in sys.stdin:

  for var in line.split():

    sum = sum + int(var)


Print the result.




Python implementation – read from file


sum = 0


with open('d:\\WorkPython\\520.in', 'r') as file:

  for line in file:

    for var in line.split():

      sum += int(var)

