8352. Taxi


At rush hour, three taxi buses arrived at the stop simultaneously, all following the same route, and passengers immediately boarded them. The drivers noticed that the number of people in the different buses varied and decided to transfer some passengers so that each bus would have the same number of passengers. Determine the minimum number of passengers that need to be transferred for this.


Input. Three integers, not exceeding 100 – the number of passengers in the first, second, and third busses, respectively.


Output. Print a single number – the minimum number of passengers that need to be transferred. If this is impossible, print IMPOSSIBLE.


Sample input

Sample output

1 2 3







Algorithm analysis

Let a, b, c represent the number of passengers in the first, second and third minibuses respectively. For the number of passengers in minibuses to be the equal after the transfer, the sum a + b + c must be divisible by 3.

Let d = (a + b + c) / 3 be the number of passengers that should be in each minibus after the transfer. Then it is necessary to transfer from each minibus a certain number of passengers so that exactly d passengers remain in each. This tranfer is only possible if a minibus initially contains more than d passengers. For example, if a > d, then ad passengers should be transferred from the first minibus. Similarly, bd passengers should be transferred from the second minibus (if b > d), and cd passengers from the third minibus (if c > d).


Algorithm realization

Read the input data.


scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c);


If the total number of people is not divisible by 3, then print IMPOSSIBLE.


if((a + b + c) % 3 != 0)




  res = 0;


Compute the number d of people in minibuses after the transfer.


  d = (a + b + c) / 3;


In the variable res count the number of transfered people.


  if (a > d) res += a - d;

  if (b > d) res += b - d;

  if (c > d) res += c - d;


Print the answer.





Python realization

Read the input data.


a, b, c = map(int, input().split())


If the total number of people is not divisible by 3, then print IMPOSSIBLE.


if (a + b + c) % 3 != 0:



  res = 0


Compute the number d of people in minibuses after the transfer.


  d = (a + b + c) // 3


In the variable res count the number of transfered people.


  if a > d: res += a – d

  if b > d: res += b – d

  if c > d: res += c – d


Print the answer.

