Barish has n dogs and m monkeys. He wants to line them up. But
he doesn’t want to put two dogs or two monkeys together, because in this case
they start to fight. How many different arrangements exists, such that neither
the monkeys nor the dogs fight. Print the answer modulo 109 + 7.
Keep in mind that dogs and monkeys are different.
Input. Two integers n and m (1 ≤ n, m ≤ 105).
Output. Print the number of different ways to arrange monkeys and dogs
modulo 109 + 7.
Sample input 1 |
Sample output 1 |
2 2 |
8 |
Sample input 2 |
Sample output 2 |
3 2 |
12 |
Sample input 3 |
Sample output 3 |
1 8 |
0 |
If m > n + 1 or m < n – 1, then the required arrangement
does not exist, the answer is 0. If m
= n, then the dogs and monkeys should
be arranged alternating with each other. For example, on even places you can
put dogs (n! ways, since all dogs are
different), on odd places – monkeys (m!
ways, monkeys are different).
Similarly, you can put dogs on odd places, and monkeys on even places.
Total for m = n we have 2 * n! * m! ways.
If the number of dogs is 1 more than monkeys (or, respectively, the
number of monkeys is 1 more than dogs), then the number of ways of their
location is n! * m!
Computations should be carried out modulo MOD = 109 + 7.
#define MOD 1000000007
Function fact computes the factorial n!
long long fact(int n)
long long res = 1;
for (int i = 2; i <=
n; i++)
res = (res * i)
% MOD;
return res;
The main part of the program. Read the input
scanf("%d %d", &m, &n);
If the number of dogs is 2 more than monkeys or the number of monkeys is
2 more than dogs, then such an arrangement is impossible.
if (m > n + 1 || m < n
- 1)
res = 0;
If the number of dogs and monkeys are the same.
else if (m == n)
res = (fact(n)
* fact(n) * 2) % MOD;
If the number of dogs is 1 more than monkeys or the number of monkeys is
1 more than dogs.
res = (fact(n)
* fact(m)) % MOD;
Print the answer.
printf("%lld\n", res);