8630. Maximum digit in a number


Find the maximum digit in a positive integer n.


Input. One positive integer n (n < 1018).


Output. Print the maximum digit in the positive integer n.


Sample input

Sample output








Algorithm analysis

Divide the number n by 10 until the result becomes zero. The last digit of each division result corresponds to a digit of the original number n. Find the maximum value among these digits.


Algorithm implementation

Read the input value of n.


scanf("%lld", &n);


Find the maximum digit of the number n in the variable res.


res = 0;


Iterate through all the digits of n. To do this, repeatedly divide n by 10 and extract its last digit d = n % 10. Among all such digits d, determine the maximum value.


while (n > 0)


  d = n % 10;

  if (d > res) res = d;

  n = n / 10;



Print the answer.


printf("%d\n", res);


Java implementation


import java.util.*;


public class Main


  public static void main(String[] args)


    Scanner con = new Scanner(System.in);     

    long n = con.nextLong();

    long res = 0;

    while (n > 0)


      long d = n % 10;

      if (d > res) res = d;

      n = n / 10;








Python implementation

Read the input number as a string.


s = input()


The max() function returns the maximum character in the string.

·     If the string consists only of digits, max() finds the largest digit (for example, for 534543”, the result will be “5).

·     If the string contains letters, the characters are compared in lexicographical order.

Print the answer.

