January 19
- Single / Multiple Input (pdf)
- Introduction to Recursion (pdf)
January 26
- Arrays (pdf)
- For loop (pdf)
- While loop (pdf)
- Functions (pdf)
February 1
- STL: Vectors (pdf)
- Sorting (pdf)
February 16
- Stack (pdf)
- 6122 Simple Stack
- 4259 Minimum in the Stack (pdf)
February 18
- Linear Dynamic Programming (pdf)
February 19
- Queue (pdf)
- 694 Minimum in the Queue (pdf)
February 23
- Set (pdf)
February 25
- Longest Common Subsequence (pdf)
- Longest Increasing Subsequence (pdf)
- Square Dynamic Programming (pdf)
February 26
- MAP data structure (pdf)
March 1
- Binary search (pdf)
March 5
- Counting Sort (pdf)
March 9
- Graphs representation (pdf)
March 11
- Dijkstra (pdf)
March 12
- Depth First Search (pdf)
March 23
- Breadth First Search (pdf)
March 29
- Union Set (pdf)
April 4
- Strings (pdf)
April 5
- Minimum spanning tree (pdf)
- 981. Minimum spanning tree (pdf)
- 2967. Unification day (Prim) (pdf)
April 15
- Least Common Ancestor (pdf)
April 16
- Contest (pdf)
April 19
- DFS Grids (pdf)
April 22
- Topological Sort (pdf)
April 26
- Contest (pdf)
April 27
- Contest (pdf)
April 29
- Floyd (pdf)
May 17
- Merge Sort (pdf)
- 9593. Merge the sequences
- 972. Sorting time
- 1303. Ultra-QuickSort
May 27
- Dynamic programming (pdf)
May 31
- Greedy (pdf)