January 19

  1. Single / Multiple Input (pdf)
  2. Introduction to Recursion (pdf)

January 26

  1. Arrays (pdf)
  2. For loop (pdf)
  3. While loop (pdf)
  4. Functions (pdf)

February 1

  1. STL: Vectors (pdf)
  2. Sorting (pdf)

February 16

  1. Stack (pdf)
  2. 6122 Simple Stack
  3. 4259 Minimum in the Stack (pdf)

February 18

  1. Linear Dynamic Programming (pdf)

February 19

  1. Queue (pdf)
  2. 694 Minimum in the Queue (pdf)

February 23

  1. Set (pdf)

February 25

  1. Longest Common Subsequence (pdf)
  2. Longest Increasing Subsequence (pdf)
  3. Square Dynamic Programming (pdf)

February 26

  1. MAP data structure (pdf)

March 1

  1. Binary search (pdf)

March 5

  1. Counting Sort (pdf)

March 9

  1. Graphs representation (pdf)

March 11

  1. Dijkstra (pdf)

March 12

  1. Depth First Search (pdf)

March 23

  1. Breadth First Search (pdf)

March 29

  1. Union Set (pdf)

April 4

  1. Strings (pdf)

April 5

  1. Minimum spanning tree (pdf)
  2. 981. Minimum spanning tree (pdf)
  3. 2967. Unification day (Prim) (pdf)

April 15

  1. Least Common Ancestor (pdf)

April 16

  1. Contest (pdf)

April 19

  1. DFS Grids (pdf)

April 22

  1. Topological Sort (pdf)

April 26

  1. Contest (pdf)

April 27

  1. Contest (pdf)

April 29

  1. Floyd (pdf)

May 17

  1. Merge Sort (pdf)
  2. 9593. Merge the sequences
  3. 972. Sorting time
  4. 1303. Ultra-QuickSort

May 27

  1. Dynamic programming (pdf)

May 31

  1. Greedy (pdf)