C Programming


CodeBlocks Compiler - simply unpack it and run CodeBlocks.exe

OnLine Compiler

Lesson 1

  1. Visual Studio Installation. Creating a new project CreateProject.doc
  2. My first C Program: Hello world! Structure of the program. Standard Input Output Library: stdio.h. Comments.
  3. Data types: int, long long, float, double, char. The size of the types and sizeof operator.
  4. Variables declaration. Global and local variables. Initialization. Expressions. Assignments. Integer arithmetics. Operator precedence. a + b program
  5. Input and output: printf, scanf. Input and output format.
  6. How to write simple programs: read data, process data, print data.

Lesson 2

  1. Conditional statement: if-else
  2. Chaining if statements
  3. Logical operations: or, and, xor, not
  4. How to use conditionals: samples

Lesson 3

  1. While statements: while
  2. For statements: for
  3. Single and multiple input doc
  4. How to use loops: samples

Lesson 4

  1. Function definition. Call a function
  2. Problem 8239 with a function: Function - 1, without a function: Function - 1
  3. How to work with doubles - math problems

Lesson 5

  1. Linear Arrays declaration
  2. Problem 904 with array: Increase by 2
  3. How to work with linear arrays

Lesson 6

  1. Addresses. Pointers. References
  2. Problem 519 with pointers: Sum of squares
  3. Problem 904 with pointers: Increase by 2
  4. Linear arrays: new & delete

Lesson 7

  1. Char arrays. Functions gets and puts
  2. Length of a string: strlen
  3. Problem 1611: Reverse a substring

Lesson 8

  1. Class. Object. Method
  2. Pointer this
  3. Problem 925: Perimeter and area of triangle
  4. Problem 925: Perimeter and area of triangle

Lesson 9

  1. Standart Template Library
  2. Vectors. Problem 904: Increase by 2
  3. Vector Sample program
  4. Sort Array
  5. Sort. Problem 2321: Sorting

Lesson 10

  1. Set & Multiset
  2. Set operations
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Binary Tree